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Invest in yourself

it pays the  best  interest

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A few reasons why our simulator  'Autumn' is the perfect partner to help you build new skills:



Autumn allows you to repeat a movement as many times as you need, whether that is practicing tempi’s or doing fitness intervals ready for the eventing season.



Autumn provides consistent, balanced movement in all paces so if there are ‘issues in your tissues’ they are yours to own…and we have the opportunity to play with changing them.



No spooking, bolting, or falling in/out on any corner of the arena! Autumn allows you complete peace of mind to focus on yourself during the session.


Combining strength, mobility and mindset to help you achieve your best - in and out the saddle!

Rider Performance Clinic

EC Performance Training

  • My horse always....falls out through the same shoulder/struggles to jump skinnies/only half passes left....


  • ​Are nerves or confidence holding you back from connecting with your horse and enjoying riding?​


  • Too busy for the gym or want to add equestrian-specfic exercises to your current programme?


  • ​Does your instructor always give you the same correction? 

Solve your riding problems for good with our innovative workshop!


We will help you identify which areas need improvement, break down the riding skills you need to develop and then practice these on the simulator. A short programme of off-horse exercises, tailored to your lifestyle, will build strength, increase awareness and improve understanding.


Every participant receives a copy of our Rider Performance Manual to record their programme complete with tops tips and trackers to keep you on track! 


Helping equestrians fulfill their goals...

and feel great in the process! 

Rider Performance Package

EC Performance Training

Determined to excel in your discipline? Intent on being the best partner for your horse?


Set yourself up for success with this complete rider package for mind and body. 


​Each package begins with a private session at the Rider Performance Clinic. Book now and redeem the cost when you upgrade to a package. 

​At the initial Rider Performance Clinic we will get to know you so that we can prepare and support you. Your goal is our goal and we are committed to results!


We don't guess we assess! Using the Racewood simulator we will assess your movement, both on and off the horse.


Following the clinic we will coach you through a workout and mindset programme: it's strength and conditioning for both your brain and your body! 


These packages are bespoke so we will coach, guide and support you to be your best.

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Victoria has an incredible skill - she can facilitate her clients to open their minds to maximise their own individual ways of learning. The energy she puts into each session is boundless. I’d recommend this method to anyone who wishes to further their understanding of body biomechanics on and off the horse. For best results regular sessions builds a great depth to training.


Stay up to date with Movement & Mindfulness Equestrian and be the first to receive weekly exercises you can try at home!

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